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Preimplantation Genetic Testing

One of the important causes for failure of an IVF cycle may be attributed to its embryos which, at times, despite appearing to be of good quality, may be genetically abnormal, as they may have one or few chromosomes present in excess or missing from their DNA. Such embryos are known to be aneuploid and majority of these lead to either failure of conception or misscarriage. Some may even result in a live baby with congenital birth defects and mental retardation (like Down’s syndrome).

PGS, also known as Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A), is an advanced genetic test which is used to identify and transfer chromosomally normal embryos in order to improve pregnancy rates in IVF. The procedure of PGS involves performing a biopsy on the embryos individually to remove a few cells which are then subjected to genetic analysis to determine if the embryos are abnormal or not.

PGS can be very helpful for older women trying to conceive above the age of 37, since they tend to have a high percentage of aneuploidy in their embryos which reduces their chance of pregnancy and also puts them at a high risk for miscarrige. PGS is also an effective treatment option for women with repeated miscarriages. Also, couples with multiple failed IVF cycles make a strong candidate for testing their embryos to see if their embryos are normal or not.

Benefits of PGS

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1st PGT-SR PGS baby of India for Translocation defects in couple suffering from multiple miscarriages

How Can One Reduce Time to Pregnancy by PGS